Live Stream Delivery.
Create the live stream service in a minute.
FexCDN provides support for all HTTP Live Streaming standards for specified on iOS, Android, Symbian, Windows Phone. +HLS, +MPEG-DASH and +live HDS streams

Media on Demand.
We are caching your video assets. Our s.m.a.r.t. network will deliver the best possible video experience regardless of viewers' location, device or connection.We provide real time, customisable stats so you can see where and when viewers are watching your content.

Your stream transcoding into a variety of resolutions and bit-rates. We also provide adaptive bit-rate HLS manifests so your viewers get the best quality their connection can handle. We demands on SPDY - Http 2.0 and qui

Send your live stream to FexCDN at any time without having to visit the dashboard.Stream over Real Time Messaging Protocol to our network and package your stream live into HLS or MPEG-DASH and serve it over HTTP. No waiting.