The FexCDN dashboard is designed to easily create, manage and monitor your CDN services. You can easily analyse and manage your CDN features and apps.
API channels it into the forward motion necessary to get you where your traffic goes. And dashboard makes easy and automatic to implement sweeping configuration changes.
Adding more POPs without adding more power (better logic). We think that peak power and peak efficiency are not mutually exclusive; they depend upon properly matched parts.
When you deploy a configuration change, you’ll find our software is robust and flexible in ways that would make other CDNs blush. This means 2-seconds flat to deploy or reverse changes and real-time log streaming. Our software has the common decency to report what it’s doing in real-time.

Flexible and seamless Integration
We've automated everything.
In a few easy steps we'll instantly integrate all of your posts, videos, files and images on our entire network.
No complications.
No manual configurations.
Just simple and fast.

Responsive design: access fex from anywhere
We've automated everything.
In a few easy steps you can integrate all of your posts, videos, files and images on our entire network.
No complications.
No manual configurations.
Just simple and fast.

Full featured CDN environment
Modify your CDN environment for your all needs and more.
Access your tools from everywhere you want.
Manage, change every single component in seconds.